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Friday, November 14, 2014

DIY Patches

It is very handy and fun to make your own patches. In this post, I will be sharing one of the ways I do it.

Let's start with what you'll need.

Some sort of fabric. I used a black t-shirt. You can also get teeny bundles of fabric at Walmart or Hobby Lobby or somewhere for like less than $3, and it's more than enough.
Some paint. I used acrylic. Whatever you do, don't use washable paint. Something to paint with, i.e. a paint brush, would be ideal as well. And something to hold the paint in/on.
 Tape will come in handy.
Some thread and a sewing needle.

Okayyyy, so first, cut your fabric and tape it on the surface you're painting on. This can be anything form a desk to your knee.

Then mix your paint or put it on your thingy or whatever.

Now you can paint your design. It is anything you want, ever. I was making these for a Fabulous Killjoy costume which didn't work out, but I'll still find a way to use the patches.
 Let it drrrrrrryyyy.
 Once it's dry, you can trim it if you want.
 Then, thread your needle.
 Sew them together, sew them on your jeans, backpack, vest, dress; anything you want. And if you really don't want to sew, safety pins look bad ass and are a good way to attach things.
P.S. Mess is fun. I like being a mess.

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