looking for something maybe...?

Monday, October 6, 2014

Thrift Haul

I really enjoy thrift shopping. I don't know why, but it just fulfills me. It's weird how obsessed I am with it. I daydream about it. In class, I imagine all of the nice things I will find, and I doodle outfits that I plan on finding the perfect pieces for the next time I go. 

I can't drive yet, I own no bike, and walking would get me in trouble (shame) (it also doesn't stop me sometimes, but I enjoy living, so I have to wait for a good opportunity to avoid trouble), so I'm constantly asking people to take me. Like my mother and my nonnie. I even suggest it to my friends, as an excuse to hang out of course because I enjoy their company, but just thrift shopping...it's the shit, as many people agree. I guess people usually take their friends to do stuff with them that they enjoy/have a passion for, but I don't know why what I do is selfish in my mind. 

Well anyway, I went to a few thrift shops and even one garage sale this time, and got a few things. I hope you enjoy viewing. (In no particular order)


 A robe.

 Why yes, I did only get this for $3, why do you ask?
 Garage sale purchase.
 Duuuuuuude. I got this at a garage by the way. The same one as the shoes above.

I also got some incense from that sale, too. I didn't think it was worth photographing though. I got both coconut sticks and cones.
 A DVD holder.
 Shrek, The Jungle Book, Beauty & The Beast, Goosebumps: The Haunted Mask, Goosebumps: The Haunted Mask II, Goosebumps: The Werewolf of Fever Swamp, and Goosebumps: A Night In Terror Tower.
Lord of the Rings: The Two Towers, The Mask of Zorro, The Crow, Dirty Dancing, The Addams Family, and Harry Potter and the Sorcerer's Stone.

I hope you enjoyed, goodbye^.^

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