What prompted this post was my uncle. When I saw him at my nonnie's house today, I just happened to be wearing pretty heavy eyeliner, and his reaction was, "Oh no my little niece Cathy-Me is growing up; all my nieces are growing up!"
As we went on, he eventually accused me of going Goth on him and told me not to do that no matter what, because he doesn't like Goths.
So a lot of things were pretty messed up with this conversation, but right now I'm going to talk about his "growing up" statement. Why is it that makeup is associated with maturity? I've been playing with it from a very young age, and even still consider it a way of playing in some aspect(s).
Okay, so, in all of existence, cosmetics have been used by women solely to attract men. Right? Isn't that why it's oh so very inappropriate for a 12 year old to draw swirly things around their eyes?
Maybe in the immediate past, like the 1900s, the use of cosmetics has commonly been associated with, well, sex. According to some, at least. Correct me if I'm wrong. Many people *cough* privileged white men ahem *cough* would exclaim red lipstick and black eyeliner is a prostitute's look. Just kidding, not all privileged white men. And not just them, either. But am I making sense and being somewhat agreeable so far? A majority of people do think makeup is only for making you pretty and attractive?
This is a generalization that, in my opinion, is oh so wrong.
There were other uses for it in history, like the Egyptians using it for protection or something, Romans for (supposedly) performing rituals, Europeans using it to indicate a sort of privileged status during the middle ages, and lots of other things, as you may or may not know. (Source here)
What does makeup mean to you? Please share.
To me, it's very fun. It makes me happy to see the image in my head be somewhat resembled on my actual face. And getting better at it over time is exciting. Aesthetic has a lot to do with it as well. Talking to people who also use it is cool too, I guess.
And in the present day, it's also a very good way to express yourself. I feel like somehow makeup has evolved over time and a greater use has surfaced. And not just one use; so many uses for each individual. I guess it's up to you.
What I'm trying to say with this post is, well, not that I'm holier than thou and know everything, but...I think it's quite wrong to shame people for wearing makeup. Like an 11 year old girl using white foundation and intricate eyeliner. Or grown men with bright red lips. Or a high school guy who has a fondness for wearing blush and blue eyeliner. Or that old grandma with the unevenly applied fuchsia eye shadow. WHy would they ever do such a thing, though? They fucking like it and would probably really appreciate you keeping your opinion to yourself unless asked, because it's most likely totally irrelevant to you. And, as many agree with me, it actually isn't their job to please you and meet the standard you think is right just because you think it. (Hypothetical you; not you in actual particular, cutie)
That got steamy.
So, will you please share your thoughts and opinions with me? Pleease?
Hopefully I didn't offend anyone, haha. Sorry if I did...but please consider what I've said. Thanks so much, byee.
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