looking for something maybe...?

Friday, October 17, 2014

Discovering new aspects of my aesthetic...

OOTD + Sexist Dress Codes Are Sexist

So, I wore this. Today.

The black shirt is from Wet Seal, the skirt is from my friend, the tights are from Hot Topic, the shoes are converse, and the jewelry is from the Renaissance Festival.

So...my school has a dress code. It's semi-strict. They're being more lenient with it this year than the previous ones, not that it makes it any better. Because today, I was the one who got dress coded.

First, let's think about what must go through my assistant principal's head when he decides a person's clothes are "too inappropriate for school."

And when I say person, I mean girl, because let's face it; dress codes, well at least the ones I know of, are sexist as fuck.

Anyway. I'm still confused as to how someone even notices one's clothes don't fit the dress code. Like, do they specifically look for extra short shorts, or skirts that ride up to high for them? Or do they pick out the girls they notice, the ones who...are attractive to them?

Okay, I apologize. It's really hard to put these thoughts into words, and this post may be longer than anyone wants to read, but I'm going to attempt to get it all down.

What's the point of a dress code? According to the administration, it's purpose is basically to "prevent problems in the work place," or something. Are you aware of what this implies? I wish when he told me this, I would've asked what problems he meant, because for now I can only assume he meant sexual problems.  

Which, of course, means that if I were to be harassed sexually, or any other student were to run into problems like that, it would be our fault. Because my skirt was too short in his opinion. Because they wore a shirt with a low neckline.

There are many problems with the idea of a dress code, and I'm going to try to list them:

  1. Everyone has different...preferences. So trying to avoid all types of, well, whatever they're trying to avoid, by banning certain types of clothing...all it tells me is that these people running my school think girls with their shoulders showing are too attractive for them to get their work done. Same with short shorts. Or short skirts. Or low necklines. You see what I'm getting at? I mean, what if baggy purple t-shirts with bear-paw prints on them made a couple of people wayyyyyyyyyyyy horny. Would they ban them? I'm trying to point out the fact that just because the majority of people attracted to girls find legs and cleavage sexual, doesn't necessarily mean it's like that for everyone. Which makes my next point more reasonable...
  2. Ever noticed how the victim is the one who did the wring thing? Every year at the beginning of school, we have an assembly which has a sole purpose of making sure each and every student understands what they can and cannot wear. But you know what I've never ever ever heard ever since I set foot in any school? That it's wrong to be sexual with someone, to make inappropriate comments to them, to make them feel...gross (because that's exactly how I felt when Mr. Valadez started speaking with me about my skirt). No one has ever told the students that it's wrong to do the very things they're trying to prevent. This, of course, would probably be much more effective. Also...
  3. This is indeed a common topic on some parts of the Internet: Victim blaming needs to stop. The very thing dress codes do is victim blame. "He grabbed her ass? Well, how short were her shorts? She was wearing yoga pants?" "She can't actually be complaining about him groping her...did you see that slutty top?" "Young woman, do you have a jacket to put over that top? Your shoulders are showing!!!" "She was totally asking for that attention, I mean, like, she looked like a fuckin hooker!" "To my office this instant! You are putting these sweatpants on in the peak of summer, look how distressed your shorts are!" Okay, I need to stop there. I could go on and on and on. The point is, the majority of people seem to think the weird ass hormonal kids aren't doing anything wrong, and in a way, they're breeding rapists..........I mean..........how else are these kids supposed to take this? I think some of them will grow up thinking if a girl is dressed in a way that arouses them, then they would be doing nothing wrong at all my acting on their impulses.
  4. THEY'RE NOT EFFECTIVE. So many girls have been humiliated throughout the years, but to no avail. All of the administrations' attempts have been useless. Girls are still getting terribly inappropriate comments made to them, and, other stuff...even when they're wearing the most basic t-shirt and sweatpants. If a person likes a person, like a lot, their clothes aren't going to change the nasty-doer's minds.
  5. They're sexist as fuck. Sure, out of context, each rule can be applied to both genders. But in school, the only ones that are enforced at an insane point are the ones where certain parts of a girl's body are exposed. There are many sources online about dress codes being sexist, and I suggest looking into them.
  6. Fuck dress codes.

Wednesday, October 15, 2014

Thrift Haul

I went thrift shopping again

Well, the previous haul was a combination of some stuff I got earlier in September and other more recent stuff, and I procrastinated the shit out of it. But this haul was all bought just last weekend.

Come on. I don't go that much. And actually, after this one, I'll probably post a lot less hauls in general because I'm running out of money haha. The only place I might spend money at is next weekend at the Renaissance Festival, but even then, eh. 

But speaking of the Renaissance Fest, I think I might enter the costume contest^.^

Anyway. Onto the actual haul.

The sleeves are ruined. They were fine when purchased, but I'm guessing the threads were loose or something, because when I took it out of the washer, the sleeves were falling apart.

So, I have a plan for it. I'm going to separate the top from the bottom, and turn the green fabric into a skirt. More on that later(:

Hope you enjoyed, byee  

Thursday, October 9, 2014


I had way too much fun dressing children up as little baby-baby-bats last weekend, and I want to share.

 Okay so actually this is my friend Katie wearing my red cape, haha. I gave her Black Parade inspired makeup and it was really cool, but she wouldn't let me take a picture. Oh well. You can sort of see a little itty bit of it if you look closely.
 This is Alexis. The details of her makeup were excellent in my opinion, too bad you can't see (boo). That's a wig by the way, haha. All of the clothes she is wearing are mine.
 Oh my gosh okay so this kid right here is my brother Mike, and he was just excellent. He's actually wearing a pair of my tights for some reason (he looks like a Gothic Peter Pan). So everything is his except the tights and the fedora. I didn't do his makeup very well, but at least he let me put black lipstick on him xD
 Oh, my dear brother Nick. My button-up and my velvet skirt. This kid amazed me. He came up with the idea for his makeup, what with the opposite sides of his eyes connecting on his nose, creating a wave type thing. And not to mention he didn't argue whatsoever with the idea of wearing a freaking skirt, man. This was so much fun.
Hehe. I also dressed Lily up and did her makeup, but she threw a tantrum and it ruined it all. Oh well. I was quite proud of it, too. 

Well, I hope you enjoyed. I also encourage you to make the neighborhood kids posers of random subcultures to your amusement. They're actually pretty enthusiastic about it, and just, it's fuuuun.

See you next time.


Wednesday, October 8, 2014


Hello. This is what I wore today.

I know, it's the same shirt as last time. I'm sorry; I wasn't thinking this morning. Grades are due for some of my classes on Friday, so I decided to actually do my homework in an attempt to preserve my grades at least a little. The thing is, I did it this morning when I should've been going to the bus.

So something strange happened. I'm not going to call it good, but I didn't miss my bus. Even though I left ten minutes after I was supposed to,  didn't miss it. 

Okay, whatever, I get it. Let's get on with it.

The jacket is my cousin's, that's the same Deathly Hallows shirt from Hot Topic from the last OOTD, the shorts are from Gordmans, the tights are from Walmart, and the shoes were thrifted.

Hope you enjoyed, byee.

Monday, October 6, 2014

Thrift Haul

I really enjoy thrift shopping. I don't know why, but it just fulfills me. It's weird how obsessed I am with it. I daydream about it. In class, I imagine all of the nice things I will find, and I doodle outfits that I plan on finding the perfect pieces for the next time I go. 

I can't drive yet, I own no bike, and walking would get me in trouble (shame) (it also doesn't stop me sometimes, but I enjoy living, so I have to wait for a good opportunity to avoid trouble), so I'm constantly asking people to take me. Like my mother and my nonnie. I even suggest it to my friends, as an excuse to hang out of course because I enjoy their company, but just thrift shopping...it's the shit, as many people agree. I guess people usually take their friends to do stuff with them that they enjoy/have a passion for, but I don't know why what I do is selfish in my mind. 

Well anyway, I went to a few thrift shops and even one garage sale this time, and got a few things. I hope you enjoy viewing. (In no particular order)


 A robe.

 Why yes, I did only get this for $3, why do you ask?
 Garage sale purchase.
 Duuuuuuude. I got this at a garage by the way. The same one as the shoes above.

I also got some incense from that sale, too. I didn't think it was worth photographing though. I got both coconut sticks and cones.
 A DVD holder.
 Shrek, The Jungle Book, Beauty & The Beast, Goosebumps: The Haunted Mask, Goosebumps: The Haunted Mask II, Goosebumps: The Werewolf of Fever Swamp, and Goosebumps: A Night In Terror Tower.
Lord of the Rings: The Two Towers, The Mask of Zorro, The Crow, Dirty Dancing, The Addams Family, and Harry Potter and the Sorcerer's Stone.

I hope you enjoyed, goodbye^.^

Dust Bunnies

(Ignore that nasty orange-ish shit looking spot. It's from melting crayons and making drip/splatter/whatever art with dear Katie.)

New Haircut!

So like I went and got my hair cut the other day.

I told the lady to trim about two inches, re-shave my sides, and give my straight bangs. I described this all while indicating it with my hands. I guess she got a little confused. Maybe she thought by bangs I was referring to the side-bang fringe thing I had before, and so just shortened it.

Either way, she only cut one half. Like I had bangs on one side and not the other. And I'm not complaining. I could've, no, I should've, told her that it wasn't what I meant to ask for.

Of course, I'm waaaaayy too challenged to do that. I was scared. I thought she was disappointed in me or something for whatever reason. I don't know.

I was happy with everything else she did. She shaved it perfectly, and she trimmed the exact length I was hoping for. It was just the bangs. So I payed and left.

When I got home I looked in the mirror for a while and reflected (hah) on the cut. It was terrible. I had no experience cutting bangs before then, really (I took a pair of scissors to my hair and my My Little Ponies when I was four or something). 

I did it anyway...

I think it turned out alright:
Errr......I take it back :p

Well, it could've been worse.

I got hairs in my eye balls. That was pretty painful, oh goodness. I'm just glad it's over. I might end up trimming it a little after I get the feel for a few days. 

As of now, however, I've been told it's hard to tell whether my eyes are opened or closed. Do you know what this means....?

Well anyway, thanks so much for taking the time. Also I just scored a really nice tripod at a garage sale for $3, so maybe a video of something is coming? Good? Bad? 

At any rate, goodbye.


Sunday, October 5, 2014

Gerard Way's Ass

There once was a magical person who at the time may or may not have been called Cassie. She gave me a card on my birthday one year, and it featured quite the pleasant surprise. I do wonder what it was.

As for now, let's look at my ceiling.
 Wait. What's that blue angular thing up there?
 It seems to be a photo of some sort...
Some odd details are being made out...

Should I go on?

I think I should.

I'm sort of scared though.

What if it's a certain sort of photo that comes to life and damns you to Hell once you identify it or something?

Oh well.

Here goes nothing.
Gerard.......Gerard Way's ass!!! In black and white!!! With peculiar doodles and a message!!!

Yes, I am allllllll too familiar with dat ass

Saturday, October 4, 2014

Why Is Makeup For The Mature Women?

What prompted this post was my uncle. When I saw him at my nonnie's house today, I just happened to be wearing pretty heavy eyeliner, and his reaction was, "Oh no my little niece Cathy-Me is growing up; all my nieces are growing up!"

As we went on, he eventually accused me of going Goth on him and told me not to do that no matter what, because he doesn't like Goths.

So a lot of things were pretty messed up with this conversation, but right now I'm going to talk about his "growing up" statement. Why is it that makeup is associated with maturity? I've been playing with it from a very young age, and even still consider it a way of playing in some aspect(s).

Okay, so, in all of existence, cosmetics have been used by women solely to attract men. Right? Isn't that why it's oh so very inappropriate for a 12 year old to draw swirly things around their eyes?


Maybe in the immediate past, like the 1900s, the use of cosmetics has commonly been associated with, well, sex. According to some, at least. Correct me if I'm wrong. Many people *cough* privileged white men ahem *cough* would exclaim red lipstick and black eyeliner is a prostitute's look. Just kidding, not all privileged white men. And not just them, either. But am I making sense and being somewhat agreeable so far? A majority of people do think makeup is only for making you pretty and attractive?

This is a generalization that, in my opinion, is oh so wrong.

There were other uses for it in history, like the Egyptians using it for protection or something, Romans for (supposedly) performing rituals, Europeans using it to indicate a sort of privileged status during the middle ages, and lots of other things, as you may or may not know. (Source here)

What does makeup mean to you? Please share.

To me, it's very fun. It makes me happy to see the image in my head be somewhat resembled on my actual face. And getting better at it over time is exciting. Aesthetic has a lot to do with it as well. Talking to people who also use it is cool too, I guess.

And in the present day, it's also a very good way to express yourself. I feel like somehow makeup has evolved over time and a greater use has surfaced. And not just one use; so many uses for each individual. I guess it's up to you.

What I'm trying to say with this post is, well, not that I'm holier than thou and know everything, but...I think it's quite wrong to shame people for wearing makeup. Like an 11 year old girl using white foundation and intricate eyeliner. Or grown men with bright red lips. Or a high school guy who has a fondness for wearing blush and blue eyeliner. Or that old grandma with the unevenly applied fuchsia eye shadow. WHy would they ever do such a thing, though? They fucking like it and would probably really appreciate you keeping your opinion to yourself unless asked, because it's most likely totally irrelevant to you. And, as many agree with me, it actually isn't their job to please you and meet the standard you think is right just because you think it. (Hypothetical you; not you in actual particular, cutie)


That got steamy.

So, will you please share your thoughts and opinions with me? Pleease?

Hopefully I didn't offend anyone, haha. Sorry if I did...but please consider what I've said. Thanks so much, byee.

Hair Evolution

Hello, I hope your mood is nice.

So today, I shall provide the evolution of my hair. If I have a photo of it on my computer.

My natural hair color is brown, I guess. Like this:
Aw. Then, much later, like 2013, I bleached it. It looked like this:
(I'm on the left)
After, in 2014, it turned fuchsia:
And once it started to fade, it was a nice pastel pink:
I look dead and miserable lol.
Then, it faded back to a white blonde:
I soon got enough money to dye it black:
Wowww I'm so cool.
And it faded back to brown:
My next move will hopefully be to get it to a nice indigo color. I'll share what it looks like, of course.

I feel like I should mention that soon after I dyed my hair fuchsia, I shaved the sides of my head. I reallyyyy like it, and will keep it for awhile, if not forever. Which I will show:
So there you have it, how my hair has changed throughout time so far.

Also, as you may have noticed, I've had the same fringe/side bang thing for quite awhile. Soon, as in tonight or tomorrow or something, I'm going to get actual bangs. Like straight across the face bangs, haha. I wonder how that'll look.....

Hope you enjoyed, see you soon^.^